Help us keep our school and educational projects running and thereby impact the lives of so many Cambodian families. Monthly giving is the best way to support our mission. With a commitment of only 10 USD a month, you enable our 6 teachers to teach 300 students in English and sewing 5 days a week. Our work would not be possible without our generous partners, donors, family members and you.
Donate monthly
Monthly giving is the best way to support us. You can cancel your monthly sponsorship at any time.
Your monthly donation will be transferred via PayPal to our Australian bank account. If you want to cancel your subscription or if you wish another option to support us please contact us.
Donate monthly - any amount
Monthly giving is the best way to support us. You can cancel your monthly sponsorship at any time.
Your monthly donation will be transferred via PayPal to our Australian bank account. If you want to cancel your subscription or if you wish another option to support us please contact us.
Donate once
Every donation helps to keep our school running and impact the lives of young Cambodians.
Your donation will be transferred via PayPal to our Australian bank account. If you wish another option to support us please contact us.
What does my money do?
You can trust us. We promise that every donation will have a direct impact on our educational projects. We use your money carefully and keep unnecessary costs as low as possible. We try to save administrative expenses, keep bank transferring fees low and turn off lights whenever we don’t need them. For larger investments in marketing or expansion of school buildings, additional fundraising activities are carried out. As our sponsor you will receive our annual report and newsletter to keep you up-to-date about the current situation at our school, educational projects and other information that will be of value for you.
This graph was from 2020. During Covid19 our expenses changed.
For more current information please check our annual report below.
How much can you cover with your social businesses?
In 2017 we were able to cover 60% of our expenses with the income from our social business OFF TRACK tours. Unfortunately, tourist numbers have decreased drastically in the last two years. We realized that we cannot rely on the tourism industry at the moment and are now looking for 260 supporting members in order to maintain our ongoing work and educational projects.
However, we still believe in the quality of our OFF TRACK tours and are working on increasing our bookings for 2020. If we reach our goal, we want to use this additional income to improve our English classes by buying new supplies, offering more staff trainings and aiming to increase our teacher’s salary.
What else can I do?
Becoming a sponsor is the most effective way to support us right now. If donating money is not enough for you, help us to spread our mission: Tell your friends and family about us and how to become one of our sponsors. If you want to donate materials, please ask us beforehand what is needed. In most cases money helps us the most. Teaching supplies are very cheap in Cambodia and we like to buy locally to support Cambodian businesses. We are also always happy to welcome professional volunteers and experts to our school. And, last but not least, you can support us by booking an OFF TRACK tour or buying our OFF TRACK accessories.