Again this year, 34 students of KKO’s English program in total received the certifications of appreciation from. Every year, KKO celebrates this ceremony when the students finish their current levels or textbooks before they move up to the next ones. The top three outstanding students were selected from every class of English for this valuable rewarding. They all had the best performances in their class in term of exam results, class participation, attendance, and disciplines.

Our aim of doing this ceremony is to praise the top three students for their hard work in studying English, and encourage them to continue and keep working harder and smarter for their next levels. On the other hand, we also strongly emphasize and motivate to those who have not done their greatest yet, will try their best for their next levels in order to have a chance to get the certificate. More importantly, they will be able to improve their English skills better and faster from working hard in the class.

Thank you to KKO’s director, teachers, and volunteers for always taking good care of our students in learning and great effort to bring the quality of teaching as good as possible for KKO’s English class.